Thursday, April 30, 2020


Sometimes, we get caught up in the loneliness of chaos and are overwhelmed and stressed. It is at these times that someone comes along or reaches out to us in someway. They become a lifeline or just a smile in a hostile environment. They have showed up because they were sent to give us strength or maybe just a quick hand; taking the reins for a moment while we catch our breath. Take their hand or smile back. We may be their lifeline or their quick hand. There is reasoning behind every encounter, every smile, even if it is not known consciously.

Remember, loneliness is a state of mind. Somewhere someone is thinking of us, for whatever reason. Someone is sending out prayers for our safety, sending us strength and light for no other reason than that they care.

Remember, those around you may be struggling as well and see you as a beacon of light in their darkness.

Remember, most of all, to breath! We are never as alone as we believe we are. Somewhere someone is thinking of us this very minute!

Know that you are loved.


I have a blog where I create these musings. Please join me if you can.